The Rosebud Family Welcomes You

One Bond, One Heart, One Family!

Thank you for visiting the Rosebud Family Reunion Website. You may have been referred to this website by another family member or maybe you were surfing the internet and came across this website in your search. However you landed on this website, we hope that the information assembled here will be useful. This website is formatted to distribute key information and updates on what is going on in the Rosebud Family, to provide important information about upcoming family reunions and to archive history related to past reunions. The Rosebud Family name is no longer used by the descendants of Juan Rosebud. Due to various marriages and the lack of male offspring, the Rosebud Name was lost long ago. The Rosebud Family now goes by a variety of surnames. Despite the difference in surnames we still share One Bond, have One Heart and represent One Family.


The definition of Reunion [ree-yoon-yuh n]

  1. The act of uniting again. 2. The state of being united again. 3. A gathering of relatives, friends, or associates at regular intervals or after separation: a family reunion.


 The Purpose of a Family Reunion

By Kristeen Cherney, Demand Media – USA Today


The majority of family reunions are organized as a means for members to keep in touch with one another. This is especially important if your family is spread across the country, or even the globe. In such a case, it is unlikely that all of your family members can attend all holiday gatherings. Though you may keep in touch through email or by phone, nothing beats a personal gathering.

Rekindling Relationships

It is not uncommon for family members to lose touch with one another, especially if they are not immediately related. A reunion can help you reconnect with long-lost cousins, aunts, uncles or anyone whom you have not kept in touch with over the years. It may be possible to find out about family members you did not know you even had, such as distant cousins or younger family members. Bonds are often re-strengthened during reunions, reminding you to take a step back out of your busy schedule and remember what is important in life.


Another reason to hold a reunion is that it provides a means for younger family members to learn about their heritage. In such a case, your elders will lead the reunion with stories about the start of the family tree. Depending on your own unique heritage, you may hear personal stories about war, struggle and immigration.

Special Occasions

Family reunions are often sparked by anniversaries or a special birthday. For example, you may throw a reunion in honor of your grandmother’s 100th birthday. Or you may get the family together to celebrate your parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.


Approximately 46 percent of families organize an annual reunion, according to The most common time of year to hold a reunion is during the summer, as most people do not have as many engagements. Also, children are out of school. This way, it is more likely that family members will be able to attend. If many of your guests will have to travel to the reunion, organize it well in advance so that everyone has a chance to save money on travel expenses.